How does JSP handle run-time exceptions?
You can use the errorPage attribute of the page directive to have uncaught run-time exceptions automatically forwarded to an error processing page. For example:
<%@ page errorPage=\"error.jsp\" %> redirects the browser to the JSP page error.jsp if an uncaught exception is encountered during request processing. Within error.jsp, if you indicate that it is an error-processing page, via the directive: <%@ page isErrorPage=\"true\" %> Throwable object describing the exception may be accessed within the error page via the exception implicit object. Note: You must always use a relative URL as the value for the errorPage attribute.
What are the implicit objects?
Implicit objects are objects that are created by the web container and contain information related to a particular request, page, or application. They are: request, response, pageContext, session, application, out, config, page, exception.
Why are JSP pages the preferred API for creating a web-based client program?
Because no plug-ins or security policy files are needed on the client systems(applet does). Also, JSP pages enable cleaner and more module application design because they provide a way to separate applications programming from web page design. This means personnel involved in web page design do not need to understand Java programming language syntax to do their jobs.
Is JSP technology extensible?
Yes. JSP technology is extensible through the development of custom actions, or tags, which are encapsulated in tag libraries.
What is the page directive is used to prevent a JSP page from automatically creating a session?
<%@ page session="false">
What is the difference between RequestDispatcher and sendRedirect?
RequestDispatcher: server-side redirect with request and response objects. sendRedirect : Client-side redirect with new request and response objects.
You can use the errorPage attribute of the page directive to have uncaught run-time exceptions automatically forwarded to an error processing page. For example:
<%@ page errorPage=\"error.jsp\" %> redirects the browser to the JSP page error.jsp if an uncaught exception is encountered during request processing. Within error.jsp, if you indicate that it is an error-processing page, via the directive: <%@ page isErrorPage=\"true\" %> Throwable object describing the exception may be accessed within the error page via the exception implicit object. Note: You must always use a relative URL as the value for the errorPage attribute.
What are the implicit objects?
Implicit objects are objects that are created by the web container and contain information related to a particular request, page, or application. They are: request, response, pageContext, session, application, out, config, page, exception.
Why are JSP pages the preferred API for creating a web-based client program?
Because no plug-ins or security policy files are needed on the client systems(applet does). Also, JSP pages enable cleaner and more module application design because they provide a way to separate applications programming from web page design. This means personnel involved in web page design do not need to understand Java programming language syntax to do their jobs.
Is JSP technology extensible?
Yes. JSP technology is extensible through the development of custom actions, or tags, which are encapsulated in tag libraries.
What is the page directive is used to prevent a JSP page from automatically creating a session?
<%@ page session="false">
What is the difference between RequestDispatcher and sendRedirect?
RequestDispatcher: server-side redirect with request and response objects. sendRedirect : Client-side redirect with new request and response objects.